Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's A.....

Today we had our sonogram and as you can see....the doc says it's a boy! I am now psyching myself up for a little boy. I know it will be great....b/c I already have two little nephews that I LOVE to pieces!!! They gave us a dvd of the sonogram, which is pretty cool to watch. I think I have already watched it 3-4 times today. Shhh....don't tell Ryan....he will be jealous! ;-) It's amazing to watch his little legs and arms moving. I look forward to when I can feel the movement. Can't wait to meet our sweet boy!!! My 3 year old niece, Julia, told us yesterday that it was going to be a boy. We were able to tell her tonight that she was right! She squealed "It's a BOY!"....so sweet. (We got it on camera, so we might just have to post the video.) She is excited to have another little boy to love on in the family. Bennett and Hudson will have so much fun having a boy cousin to play with! Now, the designing of all the nursery details can truly begin! :-)  We appreciate your continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby!