Thursday, March 1, 2012

Before and After

Our house renovations are done! Yay! Our contractor was really great....did quality work...and did it quickly! (Very different experience from the last renovations we had done.) Our nursery is now ready to fill with baby furniture :-)

I forgot to take pictures before the construction began, so just use your imagination and pretend that the closet build isn't already in progress and there isn't junk everywhere. ;-) Then again, maybe the huge mess makes the before and after pics more dramatic!


They also put new doors on all the other bedrooms/closets to match the doors installed in the renovated nursery. We are really happy with the way it all turned out. Such a difference!

Also new.... I can now feel baby moving around! I noticed it one day last week, but wasn't sure since it wasn't happening consistently yet. This week it has been pretty consistent. It feels like popcorn in my belly or little nudges...and makes it all the more real that there is a little person in there! :-)



  1. Katie, your hardwood floors are just gorgeous! And hooray for feeling your baby boy moving!!

    1. Hi Courtney! Thank you...we had the floors refinished before moving in. Yes, it's so fun feeling him move...crazy! :-)

    2. I love what you have done. It looks so good! I can't wait to see it in person. The color of the doors and handles look so good in there too. Yay! What colors are you going to do in there for baby boy?

    3. Thanks!! We are thinking of doing a teal/turqoise, yellow,(of course grey), and maybe some pops of orange. It's not finalized yet...but that is the general idea.
