Sunday, March 11, 2012

Halfway There


I can't believe it....we are now halfway there to meeting Baby H! It really feels like the pregnancy has been flying by. Here are some updates of the pregnancy up to this point:

- Name: Many of you have asked if we have picked a name. No, we are not holding out on you and keeping it a secret. We will tell when we have a decision! Unfortunately, Ryan and I have different favorites, so it's been a bit of a challenge so far. I hope we decide on something soon so he doesn't have to be called Baby H forever ;-)

- Movement: I can now feel the little guy moving all the time! He especially is active after meals or if I am hungry. He seems to not be too active when I go to that is nice...but if he is...I just tell him it's time to go to sleep.  ;-)  Sometimes his little jabs are strong enough that Ryan can feel it. So fun!

- Nursery: The designing of the nursery is now officially in full swing. My friend Tara is going to help me refinish a vintage dresser and mirror I bought and also help put together the rest of the nursery. Of course, I love design and have ideas...but it will be so nice to have her help! She is very creative, talented, and is starting to do interior designing full-time.  We decided to swap services.....her help with the nursery in exchange for my photography services! I love swapping.

- Food: I mostly still just have aversions....certain things sound better at certain times. I don't really have many cravings. Although, one of the only cravings I have had is for Taco Bueno party burritos, with a side of queso for dipping, I might add. Great. Not the healthiest option for me and baby. It is strange, since Ryan and I really don't eat fast food often. I have given in to this craving some, but am trying to hold it at bay so it doesn't become a regular occurrence! I am trying to maintain our healthy eating habits. Fruit always sounds I am trying to make sure I eat plenty of veggies too! I try to stay away from anything remotely spicy, since I know many people suffer from heartburn while pregnant. So far, no heartburn really. (I may have had a very mild case when I ate too quickly.) I have also been trying to workout each week. Last week it didn't happen as much as it should have, but I did get some exercise while I cleaned the whole house (which I had to break up into a few days). That counts, right?!? I will do better this week!

- Sleep: It has been pretty good, although I still get up frequently in the night to go to the bathroom. Luckily, I am usually able to go back to sleep quickly. I read that the frequent bathroom breaks would taper off a lot in the second trimester, but I guess that's not the case for me. Oh well, I guess it's just preparing me all the more to get up frequently with a newborn!

- Appointments: My next appointment is with my lovely doctor on March 27th (Happy Birthday to me). It will be a wonderful birthday present to hear the baby's heartbeat again! I will have another appointment for a sonogram on April 5th.


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